Pop Culture Gadabout | ||
Tuesday, February 07, 2006 ( 2/07/2006 01:50:00 PM ) Bill S. 24-ING – So Sean Astin's Lynn McGill has a strung-out sister who is willing to set him up for a quick afternoon's mugging? Is there anyone on this show in a position of authority who doesn't have a majorly fucked-up family member that'd betray 'em in an L.A. minute? # | ( 2/07/2006 09:06:00 AM ) Bill S. "I'LL FEEL MUCH BETTER ON THE OTHER SIDE" – Speaking of being shotloose, I need to belatedly draw your attention to Blog This Pal Gordon Dymowski's January appreciation of Graham Parker's Squeezing Out Sparks, an album I've also rhapsodized about in the past, and his more recent plug for the Love anthology, Love Story. Both are, as Gordon calls 'em, Records You Should Own, though if you can't afford the two-disc Love set, a good copy of Forever Changes (which I discuss on my Favorite Rhinos page) is a fine place to start. # | ( 2/07/2006 08:05:00 AM ) Bill S. A BRIEF STATEMENT OF POLITICAL INTENT – One of the more dubious rhetorical ploys finding common currency on the blogosphere is the "Why Aren't You Talking About This?" tack, wherein one writer attempts to deflate another's writings by writing in comments or an email something like, "If you're so into [blank one], then why haven't you also commented on [blank two]?" with the latter supposedly being an equivalent example of criticism-worthy behavior conducted by the attacked writer's peers or political buddies or something like that. Recently came upon a good example of this approach on Mark Evanier's web blog, wherein a reader attempted to prick Mark with the fact that he hadn't discussed the Danish cartoon controversy even though he allegedly had defended "Doonesbury" and "The Boondocks" from conservative criticisms in the past. Mark's response was much more civil than I personally thought he needed to be, especially since the reader had apparently imagined ME's earlier defense of Trudeau & Macgruder. While I have nowhere near the audience that Mark's excellent blog possesses, I've decided it's time to be proactive and state here for the record: If this blog does not discuss a specific political issue or event, it is not because this writer finds said event politically inconvenient to acknowledge – it's simply because he's scatterbrained and irresponsible.Thank you. # | Monday, February 06, 2006 ( 2/06/2006 12:18:00 PM ) Bill S. AND WHAT ABOUT THAT WILL EISNER GUY SWIPING FRANK MILLER, HUH? – Recommended reading: click through the ad to read Douglas Wolk’s well-wrought Salon review of Jaime Hernandez's new Ghost of Hoppers collection: it catches much of what Locas fans love about Jaime's work, even if the tagline Salon chose to highlight it ("pure eye candy") is more than a little inapt. (A depressing observation: first letter that Salon received for this piece wonders out loud if the Maggie/Hopey relationship was influenced by Terry Moore's Stranger in Paradise. That's just sad for too many reasons . . .) And for the record, my review of Hernandez's previous entry in the Hoppers chronology, Dicks And Deedees, can be found here. # | ( 2/06/2006 09:08:00 AM ) Bill S. "EVELYN, A DOG, HAVING UNDERGONE FURTHER MODIFICATION . . ." – Our plans for Super Bowl Sunday were abandoned suddenly when I discovered to my dismay that the drains in the basement had backed up while we were doing laundry. I subsequently spent much of my afternoon roto-rooting in the basement: the joys of home ownership. While I was getting rust stains on my sweatshirt and muck on my fingers, Becky turned the teevee to Animal Planet's "Puppy Bowl," so when I'd come up to take a short break, I'd sit and watch for a few minutes. Watching one of the larger pups steal toys from a punier retriever mix, I was reminded that much of what we consider amusing puppy play are also displays of learning dominance and aggression. How cute! . . . # | Sunday, February 05, 2006 ( 2/05/2006 10:34:00 AM ) Bill S. "YOU'VE GOT YOUR PRIDE AND A BLUE-STEEL 45!" – The Old 97's are moaning about an angry cuckolded husband waiting for the other shoe to fall, so it must be time for some bullet points:
Background Music for This Round: Old 97's, Wreck Your Life. UPDATE: As Captain Spaulding notes in the Comments section and Tegan also indicates on her blog, it's likely that the reaction against the Danish cartoons discussed in bullet point two is due less to the original twelve commissioned cartoons and more to three much more tauntingly offensive forgeries that were produced anonymously to inflame true believers. Boing Boing has the original twelve plus the three forgeries on its site – along with a series of progressively more inflamatory cartoons that have since been produced in the wake of the controversy. UPDATE II: Roy Edroso expresses his solidarity with the Danish cartoonists . . . # | Saturday, February 04, 2006 ( 2/04/2006 06:11:00 PM ) Bill S. I LIKE BOTH THEME SONGS, ACTUALLY – A decent self-reflexive joke from this week's Monk: our hero, feeling the financial pinch because the San Fran P.D. hasn't called him in as a consultant on a recent homicide, has been weakly pressuring Captain Leland Stottlemeyer to be put on retainer. At story's end, Stottlemeyer reveals that he has permission to put Monk on contract – to work on sixteen homicides over the next two years. What about the next year? Monk worriedly asks. We'll see, the police captain tells him. It's the show's best in-joke since an earlier ep made winking indirect reference to the season two shift (from light acoustic rag to broader, fully orchestrated Randy Newman ragtime) in opening theme songs . . . # | Friday, February 03, 2006 ( 2/03/2006 02:07:00 PM ) Bill S. ALWAYS REMEMBER – Okay, just one more . . . ![]() # | ( 2/03/2006 06:31:00 AM ) Bill S. "JUST TO HAVE SOME COMPANY/TO SHARE A CUP OF TEA WITH ME!" - Meet Kyan, the latest member of the OakHaus menagerie. A labrador/golden retriever mix, the pup was born on the day after Thanksgiving and came into our home last weekend. It's our hope to train him as an assistance dog to help with Becky's mobility difficulties, but for now he's mainly just bein' a puppy. ![]() # | Thursday, February 02, 2006 ( 2/02/2006 11:29:00 AM ) Bill S. BLOGROLLIN' – A hectic day at work, but I wanted to note a couple additions to the blogroll I've made over lunch. From Aaron Neathery, I was recently directed to John McElwee's Greenbriar Picture Shows, which appears to primarily focus on promo and publicity material from the studio days of Hollywood. I was immediately won over a series of stills from Boris Karloff at Home. (Particularly like the shot of the horror great holding his dogs in his arms.) From John's blog, I was also encouraged to add Tim Lucas' Video Watchblog into the mix, especially once I noted that Tim has his own list of Masters of Horror entries rated from bottom to top appended to his review of "Haeckel's Tale" – plus a big ugly pic of John Lydon posted on the occasion of the old sod's fiftieth birthday. Now that's some truly Scary Shit . . . # | Wednesday, February 01, 2006 ( 2/01/2006 06:54:00 AM ) Bill S. WHAT I WATCHED IN PLACE OF THE SOTU ADDRESS – Supernatural (A killer truck! – in a lotta ways, this series is turning more into a WB gloss on The Night Stalker than the dead-and-buried official remake) and The Shield (This really is starting to feel like the show's last season, with Vic taking off the gloves and acting the out-and-out villain). Will probably scan the transcript of Bush's address in the next day, but I've really gotten to the point where I actively can't watch or listen to the man for more than a sound byte. I had a similar problem with Clinton but for different reasons: where Bill was so obviously in love with the sound of his own voice that he usually spoke long past my short attention span, Bush's half panicky/half condescending iteration of broad-stroke talking points both unnerve and irritate me as a listener. Some Chief Executives have the gift (think Reagan) for conveying the message that they're in control of everything even when (again, think Reagan) they're not. Though he's gotten incrementally better at standing up and delivering his message, Bush does not have that knack. Even with the sound off, watching Bush speechify makes me nervous about the state of the union in ways I know are unintended . . . # | |